Market News

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All about Microgreens

Have you ever wondered what’s up with those little green sprouts at market? They’re microgreens and they’re not only tasty, but they’re exceptionally good for you! 

Microgreens are the first fully developed leaves to sprout from a seed. They are grown in containers, with little light and no fertilizer, and are a low calorie, nutrient-dense food. These young plants have almost twice the vitamins, enzymes and minerals as their fully formed counterparts. You can find them in almost any “flavor” from broccoli, to beet, to my personal favorite, sunflower (renown for its lightly nutty flavor).

Nestle your microgreens between damp paper towels, and store in a ziplock bag in the refrigerator, and they should keep for up to a week.

Our favorite ways to eat microgreens:

  1. On any pizza (but especially margherita pizza!)

  2. Instead of lettuce on a burger, sandwich or grilled cheese!

  3. As a pesto, or in guacamole

  4. On pasta aioli 

  5. In a salad or smoothie

  6. In ramen noodles or soup

  7. In an omelet

Stop by the Hope Cress Farms tent to see what varieties are sprouting this week, and to get even more suggestions for how to use them.

Wendy Watson-Hallowell