Market News

Learn about what’s at the market this week!

What's at Market 08-16-23

As the days slowly grow shorter again, we’re gearing up for an influx of produce. From mid- to late-summer favorites like peppers, tomatoes and corn, and even the start of some early winter squashes, our booths are full of the abundance of the season. Look for seasonal flavors in our prepared foods too, from empanadas to ice cream… and even soap… everyone is taking advantage of the season’s bounty.  We also have a wide variety of handmade cheeses, pasture raised meat and dairy, prepared foods, pickles and condiments, and handmade products like body care, jewelry and more. 

This week we host Marji Zintz at the music tent

See you at market!

The West Milford Farmers Market is looking for a few people interested in volunteering a few hours to greet as they come to market. This is a great opportunity for teens or adults to get service hours! Stop by the Market tent to learn more.


The Cheese Guy

Empanada Lady

Clyde's Italian Ice

Rosie's Market 

Orlando's Bakery 

The Gritty Sisters Soapery

Pickle Licious

Pesto Joe

Hope Cress Farms

Seven Tribesmen Brewing Co.

Muino's Baked Goods


Have you ever wondered what’s up with those little green sprouts at market? They’re microgreens and they’re not only tasty, but they’re exceptionally good for you! Learn more about microgreens and how to use them in this week’s spotlight.

Meet the musician: Marji Zintz