Market News

Learn about what’s at the market this week!

What's at Market 09-20-2023

Summer may be winding down, but the market is just getting hot—and the season’s bounty just won’t end! Stop by this Wednesday, and every Wednesday through October and stay stocked with plenty of fresh stuff for your pantry, as well as handmade cheeses, pasture raised meat and dairy, prepared foods, pickles and condiments, body care and jewelry, and even locally brewed beer.  

This week we host Marty Koppel at the music tent

We know that Farmers Markets are a 'green' economic accelerator for the health of our local economy and we thank you deeply for your support. Stay tuned for some exciting harvest-themed Kids Korner crafts and be sure to talk to your favorite vendors on how you can keep purchasing during the off-season! 

See you at market!

The West Milford Farmers Market is still seeking a few people interested in volunteering a few hours to greet as they come to market. This is a great opportunity for teens or adults to get service hours! Reply here, or stop by the Market tent to learn more.


Empanada Lady

Clyde's Italian Ice

Rosie's Market 

Orlando's Bakery 

Seven Tribesmen Brewing Co.

Pickle Licious

Pesto Joe

Hope Cress Farms

Muino's Baked Goods

Jewelry Designs by Melinda